Looking for a quick, easy, and efficient way to track your CS2040C note and code files? They're all on CLIAlgo.

View the Project on GitHub AY2223S2-CS2113-T15-1/tp

Ong Chuan Kai - Project Portfolio Page


CLIAlgo is a Command-Line Interface (CLI) application that allows CS2040C (Data Structures and Algorithm module by Prof Steven Halim) students to be able to keep track of their note and code files via features such as adding, removing, exporting, filtering and topological sorting.

Summary of Contributions

Features Implemented

  1. Adding of CS2040CFiles.
    • What it does: It allows the user to add their note or code files (.txt and .cpp files respectively) stored locally into CLIAlgo to be kept tracked of. The note or code files will be stored in CLIAlgo as CS2040CFile objects.

    • Justification: The add feature is the starting point for other features within CLIAlgo. Being able to add specific note and code files into CLIAlgo, the users will then be able to access the other features of CLIAlgo.

    • Highlights: The challenge with implementing this feature comes from having to keep track of the 10 different topics that the CS2040CFiles can come from. Therefore, the add feature is implemented with the Topic class that keeps track of the list of CS2040CFiles within the same topic and TopicManager class that keeps track of the Topics.

  2. Check existent of text or code file stored locally.
    • What it does: It checks the added CS2040CFiles by the user to determine whether they are stored locally as .txt or .cpp files as well as if the file exists locally.

    • Justification: Determining whether the CS2040CFiles added to CLIAlgo are .txt, .cpp or non-existent is important in ensuring that CLIAlgo is able to provide the proper user experience as an application that allows users to keep track of their CS2040CFiles.

    • Highlights: The implementation of this feature requires taking into account the possibilities whereby a CS2040CFile added exist as a .txt, exist as a .cpp, exist as other file types or does not exist at all. The implementation thus considers the situations whereby the CS2040CFile exist as other file types or does not exist at all to simply be non-existent. Therefore, a FileType enumeration had to be created with the values of TXT, CPP and DOESNOTEXIST.

  3. Topological Sort of CS2040C Files.
    • What it does: It prints the CS2040CFiles in topological order based on the name of a given CS2040CFile. The CS2040CFiles within the same topic of the provided CS2040CFile will be printed, together with the CS2040CFiles of the topics that come before it. The topological order of the topics are fixed, following the teaching order of the topics in CS2040C.

    • Justification: This feature will aid the users in their revising of certain topics as there can be links between previous topics and pre-requisites that need to be studied before the current topic can be properly understood. Thus, printing a topological sort of the CS2040CFiles that come before a specified CS2040CFile name will allow users to be more aware of the content that needs to be studied.

    • Highlights: The implementation of this feature requires the checking of the topic that the specified CS2040CFile comes from. Afterwards, following an order that is pre-defined as a constant in TopicManager, the CS2040CFiles within the topic and before will be printed. Thus, a LinkedHashMap had to be used to maintain the order of the topics. The challenge thus comes from passing the list of topologically sorted notes to be printed from the TopicManager to TopoCommand to handle the printing. Thus, a method getAllCS2040CFilesBeforeTopic() had to be created.

Code Contributed

The code contributed by me can be found on RepoSense


  1. User Guide.
    • Add table of contents.
    • Add documentation for TopoSort.
    • Add command summary.
  2. Developer Guide.
    • Add table of contents.
    • Add design and implementation for TopoSort feature.
    • Add glossary.
    • Resizing and centering of all images.

Team-based tasks

  1. Attended and participated actively in weekly discussions.
  2. Fixed the following non-trivial bugs: #67, #96
  3. Helped to test and debug the application.
  4. Wrote the Command abstract class that other classes inherit from and certain Command subclasses.
  5. Helped implement the designs created by other team members.
  6. Implement a colour scheme via a style.iuml file for all UML Class and Sequence Diagrams.
  7. Participated in video demo.