Looking for a quick, easy, and efficient way to track your CS2040C note and code files? They're all on CLIAlgo.

View the Project on GitHub AY2223S2-CS2113-T15-1/tp

Loh Joo Hoe - Project Portfolio Page


CLIAlgo allows users who are taking CS2040C, data structures and algorithms, using the coding language C++, to organise their notes and code quickly. CLIAlgo allows them to categorise them in a variety of ways such as, by topic or importance, and filter those files into a separate folder.

Summary of Contributions

Features Implemented

  1. FileManager
    • What it does: It manages and stores the local data of the application, facilitating updating the relevant local data files whenever a add or remove input is entered by the user. It also checks for corruption of the data file and discards corrupted entries. It also facilitates the creation of the data files and folders.

    • Justification: As CLIAlgo would ideally be for users to quickly find all the files that they need, it would be a hassle to re-enter all the entries for each file whenever a CLIAlgo is rebooted. Thus, the FileManager which acts as the storage for CLIAlgo would help users “remember” files as long as those files are entered into CLIAlgo once. Furthermore, due to the particular implementation of FileManager, corruption of entries are easier to deal with as the data files are stored Topic by Topic, the user would then know which file in which Topic is corrupted if corruption occurs.

    • Highlights: The challenge for dealing with locally stored data is to think up of possible ways users could attempt to corrupt or break the data files and subsequently, crash the application. Safeguards that are reasonable have to be added in such a way that does not affect the user experience when using the application, i.e. adding checks for deleted files and recreating missing files with its relevant data intact without affecting the user input.

  2. Buffer and Export
    • What it does: The Buffer updates the CS2040CFiles stored within it with the CS2040CFiles returned when the user inputs filter or topo. These files can then be output to a specific folder ./export, with all the contents copied exactly when the user inputs export. Furthermore, after the files are copied into ./export, the folder the files are copied into is opened up automatically by CLIAlgo.

    • Justification: As the purpose for CLIAlgo is to make organising code files and note files relating to CS2040C more convenient, it would be illogical not to have a way of placing all the files relevant to the user’s filtering queries into the same place such that the user can easily find the files that they need while the other irrelevant files are out of sight. As such, users can be more efficient in their studies as the application would categorise the files and output it for them.

    • Highlights: The challenge to implement this is the updating of the Buffer whenever a filter or topo command is input by the user. That is because the implementation of the said commands did not initially have support to output the CS2040CFiles objects to the Buffer and said functionality has to be added retroactively to all the relevant Command object derivatives. It is also tedious to have to retroactively add Buffer to all the execute() methods of all Command such as to ensure future expandability, i.e. in case a future function needs to evoke Buffer and its methods. Buffer is also a Singleton class, a class with a private constructor, as only one Buffer per instance of CLIAlgo is needed by the application.

  3. Test Mode
    • What it does: Test mode is a mode that is started by inputting start-test-mode and ended by inputting end-test-mode. When CLIAlgo is in test mode, all the data saved while in test mode would be cleared when test mode is ended.

    • Justification: Test mode is not a function meant to be used by a typical user of CLIAlgo. However, it is made to be a debugging mode such that all the data is automatically cleared upon exit. This allows testers to not have to delete all the data manually whenever they need to test a feature which has save data involved.

Code Contributed

The code contributed can be found on RepoSense.


  1. User Guide.
    • Add documentation for export.
  2. Developer Guide
    • Add design for FileManager.
    • Add implementation for initialize().
    • Add implementation for writing a CS2040CFile to data file.
    • Add design and implementation for Buffer.
    • Add entire section on guidelines for testers to test the application.

Team-based tasks

  1. Attended and contributed to weekly discussions.
  2. Helped in designing the implementation of the base functions of CLIAlgo.
  3. Design the methods to save data and to encode and decoded the raw data.
  4. Helped with debugging of code.
  5. Fixed the following non-trivial bug: #36, #85, #179, #184, #187
  6. Wrote template code for certain Commands.
  7. Helped with integration of functions.
  8. Participated in the video demo.