Looking for a quick, easy, and efficient way to track your CS2040C note and code files? They're all on CLIAlgo.

View the Project on GitHub AY2223S2-CS2113-T15-1/tp

User Guide



CLIAlgo is a desktop application for managing your CS2040C notes and codes. It is optimized to be used via a Command Line Interface (CLI). If you can type fast, you can access and sort your notes faster than ever before. CLIAlgo is a note management application and not a note-taking application. Therefore, users are expected to already have the required .txt or .cpp files in the same folder as the .jar file before starting the application. Features like note creation and editing are beyond the scope of this application.

Table of Contents

Quick Start

  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed.
  2. Download the latest version of clialgo.jar from here.
  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your CS2040C notes.
  4. Open a command terminal, ‘cd’ into the folder that you put the .jar file in, and use the java -jar clialgo-v2.1.jar command to run the application.
  5. Ensure that all your CS2040CFiles with either .cpp or .txt as their extension are present in the same folder as the .jar file.
  6. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it. e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window. Some example commands you can try are:
    • add n/bubble sort t/SORTING: add a ‘bubble sort.txt’ file as notes to the topic ‘SORTING’
    • list: list all existing notes
    • remove n/bubble sort: remove the ‘bubble sort.txt’ note from the list

WARNING If any of the files stored in the data files are corrupted, i.e. any of the fields within the data files are invalid the application discards that file stored within the data file.

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Notes about the command format:

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are parameters to be supplied by the user. E.g. remove n/NAME where NAME is the parameter to be used as remove n/bubble sort.
  • Items in square brackets are optional. E.g. help [c/COMMAND_TYPE] can be used as help or help c/add.

Viewing help: help

Shows a message explaining the format of supported commands in the application and their functions. If a valid command is entered after ‘help’ using the c/ delimiter, it shows the format and function of that specific command instead.



Example of usage:




The available COMMAND_TYPE(s) are:

[add]: add CS2040CFile
[remove]: remove CS2040CFile
[list]: displays all CS2040CFiles
[filter]: filters CS2040CFiles by topic
[topo]: displays all CS2040CFiles before the selected topic
[export]: places CS2040CFiles sorted by filter/topo in a file
[exit]: close the application

For more help on a specific command, type `help c/COMMAND_TYPE`.


help c/add


Add a CS2040CFile to a topic using:

    `add n/NAME t/TOPIC [i/IMPORTANCE]`

NAME: String name of the CS2040CFile file.
TOPIC: String topic that NAME will be tagged to.
IMPORTANCE: int level of importance on a scale of 1-10 (optional field).


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Adding a CS2040CFile: add

Adds a CS2040CFile that currently already exists, into our file manager. It must strictly be either a .txt note file or a .cpp C++ code file. Requires a topic tagged to it, and an optional importance level, a number from 1 to 10.



Example of usage:


add n/queue t/LINKED_LIST


add n/queue t/LINKED_LIST i/5


Successfully added queue into LINKED_LIST.

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Removing a CS2040CFile: remove

Removes a CS2040CFile that exists from our file manager.


remove n/NAME

Example of usage:


remove n/queue


Successfully removed queue.

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Listing CS2040CFiles: list

List all CS2040CFiles (in any order) present in CLIAlgo.



Example of usage:




Here are all your CS2040CFiles:
1. [CODE] bubble sort
2. [CODE] queue
3. [NOTE] linked list note

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Filtering CS2040CFiles: filter

Filters the CS2040CFiles by a user-specified KEYWORD and prints a list of CS2040CFiles filtered based on the KEYWORD.



Example of usage:

Filtering by topic without providing TOPIC_NAME.


filter k/topic


Here are the filtered CS2040CFiles:
1. bubble sort
1. linked list code
2. linked list note

Filtering by topic according to TOPIC_NAME.


filter k/topic t/LINKED_LIST


Here are the filtered CS2040CFiles:
1. linked list code
2. linked list note

Filtering by importance without providing TOPIC_NAME.


filter k/importance


Here are the filtered CS2040CFiles:
1. [NOTE] bubble sort [6]
2. [CODE] linked list code [5]
3. [NOTE] linked list note [3]

Filtering by importance according to TOPIC_NAME.


filter k/importance t/SORTING


Here are the filtered CS2040CFiles:
1. [NOTE] bubble sort [6]

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Topologically Sort CS2040CFiles: topo

Prints a topologically sorted list of CS2040CFiles that comes before and within the topic of a user-specified note. This will allow the user to be able to revise all pre-requisite topics before revising the topic of the specified note.


topo n/NAME

Note: Among all the notes added to CLIAlgo, only notes that come before and within the topic of the specified note will be printed.

Example: Notes of the following names, bst, queue and sorting of topics BINARY_SEARCH_TREE, LINKED_LIST and SORTING respectively are added to CLIAlgo. The topo n/queue input will only print queue and sorting since bst is of the topic BINARY_SEARCH_TREE that comes after the topic of queue which is LINKED_LIST.

Example of usage:


topo n/bst


Here are the topologically sorted CS2040CFiles:
1. [NOTE] bst
2. [NOTE] queue
3. [NOTE] sorting

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Exporting Files

Whenever a filter or topo command is input by the user, the CS2040CFile listed by the above commands would be stored in a Buffer. These stored CS2040CFiles can then be copied into ./export.

The export command is to further expand the functionality of commands such as filter and topo such that all the files are placed into a single folder. This means that if the user wanted to only access files that are of a certain category, they are able to. For users that have hundreds of files, it improves their productivity!

For instance, the user has dozens of files of similar names such as a.txt, aa.txt, aaaaa.cpp. The user just has to categorize the files within the application once and with filter, all the relevant files would be retrieved and placed together.



Example of usage:


filter k/topic
Here are the filtered CS2040CFiles:
1. Test1


Successfully exported file(s).

Here is ./export opened after export is input.

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Exiting the program: exit

Exits CLIAlgo.



Example of usage:




Thank you for using CLIAlgo! Study hard!

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Q: How do I transfer my data to another computer?

A: Copy all the CS2040CFiles as well as the data folder into the new Computer.

Q: How do I gain easy access to all my filtered or topologically sorted CS2040CFiles?

A: Enter the export command after filtering or topologically sorting your CS2040CFiles.

Q: What if I am unable to add because the program tells me that my CS2040CFile does not exist?

A: Ensure that all your CS2040CFiles are in the same directory as the .jar file.

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Command Summary

Action Format Examples
help help [c/COMMAND_TYPE] help, help c/add
add add n/NAME t/TOPIC [i/IMPORTANCE] add n/bst t/BST i/6
remove remove n/NAME remove n/bst
list list list
filter filter k/KEYWORD [t/TOPIC_NAME] filter k/topic,
filter k/topic t/LINKED_LIST
topo topo n/NAME topo n/queue
export export export
exit exit exit

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