Looking for a quick, easy, and efficient way to track your CS2040C note and code files? They're all on CLIAlgo.

View the Project on GitHub AY2223S2-CS2113-T15-1/tp

Developer Guide


Table of Contents



Architecture Diagram

The Architecture Diagram given above explains the high-level design of CLIAlgo.

Given below is a quick overview of the main components and how they interact with each other.

Main components of the architecture

How the architecture components interact with each other

The Sequence Diagram below shows a high level overview of how the components interact with each other

Architecture Diagram

Note: The lifeline for Command should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of the diagram.

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Here is a class diagram of the Ui component which is responsible for handling all interaction with the User.

Ui Class Diagram

The Ui component:

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API : Here is a class diagram of the Parser component which is responsible for processing commands and preparing the appropriate Command object.

Parser Class Diagram

The Parser component:

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Here is a class diagram of the TopicManager component which is responsible for handling all operations involving CS2040CFiles and Topics.

TopicManager Class Diagram

The TopicManager component:

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Here is a class diagram of the FileManager which facilitates the storage function of the application.

FileManager Class Diagram

The FileManager component

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Here is a class diagram of the HelpCommand which is responsible for teaching the user how to use the commands.

HelpCommand Class Diagram

The HelpCommand component

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Here is a class diagram of the AddCommand which is responsible for adding either code files or note files.

AddCommand Class Diagram

The AddCommand component

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Here is a class diagram of the RemoveCommand which is responsible for removing either code files or note files.

RemoveCommand Class Diagram

The RemoveCommand component

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Here is the class diagram of the ListCommand which is responsible for listing all CS2040CFiles in CLIAlgo.

ListCommand Class Diagram

The ListCommand component

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Here is the class diagram of the FilterCommand which is responsible for sorting the CS2040CFiles according to the user’s specified keyWord.

FilterCommand Class Diagram

The FilterCommand component

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Here is a class diagram of the TopoCommand which facilitates the topological sort function of the application.

TopoCommand Class Diagram

The TopoCommand component

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Here is a class diagram of the Buffer which facilitates the storing of CS2040CFiles returned from filter and topo commands and the copying of CS2040CFiles stored within into ./export and opening the folder subsequently if supported by the Operating System.

Buffer Class Diagram

The Buffer component

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Current implementation

All UI interactions are taken care of by the Ui class. It is responsible for taking in user inputs and giving text-ui outputs to provide guidance and a pleasant user experience overall. The Ui uses the Scanner class from java.util to take in input from the user and System.out.println() method from java.lang to output messages to the user.

Given below is an example of how the Ui works when it is issued a list command.

Step 1: The user enters a command list. The full command is read in by the Ui using the getUserInput() method. The Ui uses the nextLine() method of the Scanner object to read in the user input.

Step 2: If it encounters a NoSuchElementException or IllegalStateException, it returns an EXIT_COMMAND which safely closes the application. If no exception has occurred, the Ui returns the String to CLIAlgo.

Step 3: The successful case allows CLIAlgo to execute the ListCommand. When executed, it calls the printListOfCS2040CFiles() method of the Ui, which then iterates through the ArrayList provided by the ListCommand and prints the CS2040CFile label and name on a newline using the println() method from System.out.

The following Sequence Diagram shows how the Ui object is used.

Ui Sequence Diagram

Note: The lifeline for ListCommand should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of the diagram.

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Current Implementation

Parsing of commands is done by the Parser class. It implements the StringManipulation interface which allows Parser to extract the relevant keywords to prepare the appropriate Command object. It is also responsible for handling invalid inputs by the user. The Parser consist of the following methods.

Given below is an example of how the Parser works when it is issued a remove command.

Step 1: The user enters a command. The full command is read in by the Ui. CLIAlgo invokes the parse() method from the Parser.

Step 2: The parse() method extracts out the command keyword provided by the user. It then calls the prepareCommand() method.

Step 3: The prepareCommand() identifies the correct Command object to prepare based on the command keyword. Since the command keyword provided is remove, prepareCommand() calls prepareRemoveCommand().

Step 4: If the NAME field of the command is null or not labelled using the correct marker, prepareRemoveCommand() returns an InvalidCommand object. If the NAME input field is valid, a RemoveCommand object is returned.

The following Sequence Diagram shows how the Parser work.

Parser Sequence Diagram

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Current Implementation

All operations involving CS2040CFiles are handled by the TopicManager. The TopicManager class and Topic class form a whole-part relationship where the TopicManager contains 10 instances of the Topic class, each representing the 10 topics in CS2040C. When relevant Command objects are executed, they invoke methods in the TopicManager which in turn invokes methods in the relevant Topic class. The TopicManager supports the following operations:

Given below is an example of how the Logic component works when a TopoCommand is executed.

Step 1: When the TopoCommand is executed, it calls the getAllCS2040CFilesBeforeTopic() method of the TopicManager.

Step 2: The TopicManager then iterates through all the topics in topological order to check if the CS2040CFileName is present in that topic.

Step 3: Once a topic is found to contain the CS2040CFileName, the TopicManager self-invokes the getCS2040CFilesByTopicToPrint() method which calls the getAllCS2040CFilesInTopicToPrint() method of all Topic class from the current topic onwards. This method returns an ArrayList<String> containing the names and labels of all CS2040CFiles stored inside the current Topic.

Step 4: After the TopicManager collates the list of CS2040CFile names in topological order, it stores them in a LinkedHashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> to preserve the topological order. It then returns it to the TopoCommand object.

The following Sequence Diagram shows how the Logic component work.

Logic Sequence Diagram

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Current implementation

Initializing previous saved data feature

The function for reading the previously saved data is facilitated by the FileManager. The FileManager creates a SingleFile for each valid topic name and invokes createNewFile for those TOPIC_NAME.txt not in the folder ./data. If the files already exist, they are not created. Instead, the contents of the file would be read line-by-line. The read data would then be passed to FileDecoder which would then convert these raw data into CS2040CFile objects. The CS2040File objects are then passed into a HashMap which represents the topic these CS2040CFile objects belong to. The HashMap is then passed back to the TopicManager, completing the initialization process.

Given below is how the sequence of initialize() is run

Step 1: During the start-up of the application, a folder is created to store all the data files.

Step 2: For every Topic, create a SingleFile which containing the data file of those Topics with the path ./data/TOPIC_NAME.txt where TOPIC_NAME is replaced with the name of the Topic. This only occurs if the file did not exist prior to the running of the application.

Step 3: If the file already existed prior, readFile() is run. This creates a Scanner which would translate the data file line by line into String. Each line of String corresponds to a CS2040CFile.

Step 4: The String is then decoded using decode() and is converted into a CS2040CFile. If the String is unable to be converted into a CS2040CFile, the String is deemed to be corrupted and is subsequently deleted from the data file.

Step 5: The translated CS2040CFiles are then stored within the SingleFile. FileManager then invokes decodeAll() which retrieves all the Topics stored within each SingleFile which contains all the CS2040CFiles. This is returned in the form of a HashMap.

The following Sequence Diagram shows how previously saved files are loaded into CLIAlgo.

FileManager Initialization Sequence Diagram

Note: The lifeline for Scanner should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of the diagram.

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Writing a CS2040CFile to data file

The function for writing a CS2040CFile to a data file is facilitated by the FileManager. When the addEntry is called, an already created CS2040CFile and its name is passed to the FileManager. The FileManager then passes the CS2040CFile to the FileEncoder which translates it into raw data. The raw data is then written into the data file using the BufferedWriter.

Given below is how a single CS2040CFile is entered into the data file:

Step 1: When a valid CS2040CFile is added to the application, it is passed to the FileManager and addEntry() is invoked.

Step 2: The CS2040CFile is then passed to the FileEncoder and a String representing the CS2040CFile is returned to the FileManger.

Step 3: A FileWriter object is then created and a BufferedWriter object is also created containing the FileWriter.

Step 4: The previously encoded String is then passed to the BufferedWriter and write() and newLine() is called. This writes the encoded String to the relevant data file and adds a new line to the data file.

Step 4: close() is called for both the BufferedWriter and FileWriter to stop them from writing to the data file further.

The following Sequence Diagram shows how a CS2040CFile is encoded before being written to the relevant data file.

Add Entry Sequence Diagram

Note: The lifeline for FileWriter and BufferedWriter should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of the diagram.

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Help Feature

Current Implementation

The help mechanism is facilitated by HelpCommand. It extends the abstract Command with an overridden execute() method. Within the execute() method, the input command after the c/ delimiter is parsed and checked against the valid commands supported by CLIAlgo. The command to which it matches is invoked from the Ui class.

Given below is an example usage of how the help c/add mechanism behaves at each step.

Step 1: The user enters the help command, which is processed by the Parser which instantiates a HelpCommand using the appropriate constructor and returns it to CLIAlgo.

Step 2: The execute() method of HelpCommand is called by CLIAlgo.

Step 3: Since the command provided is add, the HelpCommand calls the printHelpAdd() method from the Ui. This method prints out instructions on how the add command should be used in CLIAlgo.

Step 4: The HelpCommand object is destroyed and control is handed back to the CLIAlgo.

The following Sequence Diagram shows how the help operation works.

Help Feature Sequence Diagram

Note: The lifeline for HelpCommand should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of the diagram.

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Add CS2040CFile feature

Current Implementation

The add mechanism is facilitated by AddCommand. It extends the abstract Command with an overridden execute() method. Within the execute() method, the path of the CS2040CFile, as specified by its name, is checked using checkFileType, to determine if the CS2040CFile exists within the directory of the program. The topic of the CS2040CFile to be added is also checked using isValidTopic() to ensure it is a valid topic in CS2040C, and also the name of the CS2040CFile is checked using isRepeatedCS2040CFile(), to ensure that no other files of the same name exists. Following which, 1 of 2 different other executions is called, depending on the type of the CS2040CFile.

Given below is an example usage of how the add feature behaves at each step.

Step 1: The user enters the add command, which invokes the getUserInput() method of Ui object and returns the user input to the CLIAlgo object. After which, it invokes the parse() method of the Parser object and determines that it is an add command and creates a new AddCommand object.

Step 2: The CLIAlgo object than invokes the execute() method of the AddCommand object.

Step 3: The name of CS2040CFile is checked, to see if a file of that name exists within the directory. If it is not, the printFileDoesNotExist() method of the Ui object is invoked

Step 4: The topic name of the CS2040CFile is checked, to see if it belongs to one of the topics in CS2040C. If it is not, a new InvalidTopicCommand object is created and executed.

Step 5: The name of CS2040CFile is checked, to see if a file of that name already exists inside the TopicManager object, which means that there are duplicates.

Step 6: The checkFileType method is then used to check the type of the CS2040CFile to be added. Given that the CS2040CFile to be added is a .txt file, a new AddNoteCommand object would be created and its execute() method invoked.

Step 7: The execute() method of the AddNoteCommand object will then be invoked, and it will then handle the adding of the file into the FileManager object by calling the addEntry() method. This updates CLIAlgo’s data file to include this new CS2040CFile. Additionally, the CS2040CFile is added into the TopicManager object using the addCS2040CFile() method, to keep track of the name of the CS2040CFile that the user has added.

The Sequence Diagram below shows how the AddCommand works.

Add Feature Sequence Diagram

Note: The lifeline for AddCommand, InvalidTopicCommand, AddNoteCommand and InvalidCommand should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of the diagram.

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Remove CS2040CFile feature

Current Implementation

The remove mechanism is facilitated by RemoveCommand. It extends the abstract Command with an overridden execute() method.

Given below is an example usage of how the remove feature behaves at each step.

Step 1: The user enters the remove command, which is processed by the Parser using the parse() method. The Parser determines that it is remove command and creates a new RemoveCommand object.

Step 2: The CLIAlgo object than invokes the execute() method of the RemoveCommand object.

Step 3: The TopicManager object is checked, which invokes the printRemoveFail() method of the Ui object if TopicManager object is empty.

Step 4: The TopicManager object is checked to see if the CS2040CFile to be removed exists inside the TopicManager object. If it is not, a new NameNotFoundCommand object is created and executed.

Step 5: After steps 3 and 4 checks are done, the removeCS2040CFile() method is invoked on the TopicManager object.

Step 6: If the CS2040CFile is unsuccessfully removed from the TopicManager object, the printRemoveFail() method is invoked by the Ui object.

Step 7: The deleteEntry() method of FileManager object is invoked. This updates the data file to no longer contain the CS2040CFile that is being removed, and CLIAlgo stops tracking that CS2040CFile.

Step 8: If the CS2040CFile is not deleted successfully from FileManager object, the control is returned back to CLIAlgo object.

Step 9: Otherwise, the updateBuffer() method of the Buffer object is invoked to clear the buffer, and the printRemoveSuccess() method of the Ui object is invoked.

The Sequence Diagram below shows how the RemoveCommand works.

Remove Feature Sequence Diagram

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List feature

Current implementation

The list feature mechanism is facilitated by ListCommand. It extends Command with an overridden execute() method. It calls the getAllCS2040CFiles() method from the TopicManager to get all the CS2040CFiles stored in CLIAlgo. It then prints them out to the user.

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the list feature behaves at each step.

Step 1: The user will input a command in the format list. The input will be read by the Ui and processed by the Parser. The Parser will then call the prepareListCommand to create a new ListCommand object.

Step 2: The execute() method of the ListCommand object will be executed. ListCommand first checks if the TopicManager is empty by calling the isEmpty() method of the TopicManager. If the TopicManager is empty, ListCommand will print out a message to inform the user that the TopicManager is empty.

Step 3: If the TopicManager is not empty, ListCommand calls the getAllCS2040CFiles() method from the TopicManager which returns an ArrayList<String> containing the names and labels of all CS2040CFile stored in CLIAlgo.

Step 4: ListCommand iterates through the ArrayList<String> and prints the names of all the CS2040CFile stored in CLIAlgo.

The following Sequence Diagram shows how the list operation work.

List Feature Sequence Diagram

Note: The lifeline for ListCommand should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of the diagram.

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Filter by keyword feature

Current Implementation

The filter mechanism is facilitated by FilterCommand. It extends Command with an overridden execute() method. The FilterCommand has 2 subclasses FilterByTopicCommand and FilterByImportanceCommand. Each with their own overridden execute() method. During execution, the FilterCommand decides which of its subclass to instantiate and execute depending on the keyWord provided. Both FilterByTopicCommand and FilterByImportanceCommand objects calls either the getNotesByTopic() or the getAllNotesByTopic() methods in the TopicManager.

The access modifiers of these methods are private can can only be accessed within FilterCommand.

Given below is an example usage of how the filter by topic mechanism behaves at each step.

Step 1: The user enters a command. The full command is read in by the Ui and processed by the Parser. If the user entered a valid command, the Parser will process the full command using the StringManipulation interface and prepare the appropriate FilterCommand object.

Step 2: If the topic field is left empty, the Parser will instantiate a new FilterCommand object, setting the topic field to be null. If the topic field is filled with a valid topic name, the Parser will instantiate a new FilterCommand using topic in its constructor.

Step 3: The FilterCommand is executed. Based on the keyWord used to instantiate it, FilterCommand invokes the constructor of its subclass (FilterByTopicCommand or FilterByImportanceCommand) and calls the execute() method.

Step 4: If topic is null, FilterByTopicCommand self-invokes printAllTopics() method which in turns calls getAllCS2040CFilesGroupedByTopic() from the TopicManager. If topic is not null and is valid, it self-invokes printSingleTopic() method which in turns calls getCS2040CFilesByTopic() from the TopicManager.

Step 5: If getAllCS2040CFilesGroupedByTopic() is called, the TopicManager calls the getAllCS2040CFilesInTopic() for all non-empty Topic. The FilterByTopicCommand then prints out the CS2040CFiles to the user.

The following Sequence Diagram shows how the filter by topic operation work.

Filter Feature Sequence Diagram

Note: The lifeline for FilterCommand and FilterByTopicCommand should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of the diagram.

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TopoSort feature

Current implementation

The TopoSort mechanism is facilitated by TopoCommand. It extends Command with an overridden execute() method, and stores internally the name of the CS2040CFile and topologically sorted notes as name and topoSortedCS2040CFiles. Additionally, it implements the following operations:

These operations are private and can only be accessed in TopoCommand.

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the TopoSort mechanism behaves at each step.

Step 1: The user will input a command in the format topo n/noteName. The input will be read by the Ui and processed by the Parser. The Parser will then call the prepareTopoCommand() to create a new TopoCommand object.

Step 2: The execute() method of the TopoCommand object will be executed, which will check whether there are any saved notes (via the isEmpty() method of TopicManager) and whether the noteName exists as a note in the application (via the isRepeatedCS2040CFile() method of TopicManager).

Step 3: The printTopoSortedCS2040CFiles() method is called to obtain the relevant note files in topological order from TopicManager via the getAllCS2040CFilesBeforeTopic() method. This will be stored internally in a LinkedHashMap called topoSortedCS2040CFiles.

Step 4: For all topics present in topoSortedCS2040CFiles, printTopoSortedCS2040CFiles() will be executed to print all note names present in topological order by topic. As the topics are saved in topological order, the printed CS2040CFile names will be printed in the correct order.

The following sequence diagram shows how the TopoCommand works.

TopoSort Feature Sequence Diagram

Note: The lifeline for TopoCommand should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of the diagram.

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Export feature

Current implementation

The export function is supported by a singleton object, Buffer. Whenever a filter or topo command is called, the method within the Buffer object, updateBuffer() would be called which replaces the CS2040CFile objects stored within the buffer with the output CS2040CFile objects being output from the filter command.

When an export command is entered, a ExportCommand object is instantiated. The ExportCommand object extends Command with an overridden execute() method. When the execute() method is called, the exportBuffer() method in the Buffer is called. This copies all the CS2040CFile stored in the buffer to the export folder stored at ./export and opens the folder by using the default file explorer of the system.

Take note that this does not work for some Operating Systems without a file explorer (e.g. some Linux-based systems)

The following sequence diagram shows how the export feature works.

Export Feature Sequence Diagram

Note: The lifeline for ExportCommand and EmptyBufferCommand should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of the diagram.

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Product scope

Target user profile

Value proposition

Manage notes faster and more efficiently than a typical mouse/GUI driven application

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User Stories

Version As a(n) … I want to … So that I can …
v1.0 user be able to add notes view them later
v1.0 user be able to delete notes replace existing notes with new ones
v1.0 user be able to save my notes reuse the saved data after closing and reopening the application
v1.0 user list all my notes see the amount of content I have to study
v1.0 first time user to be able to know how to use the application N/A
v1.0 tutor teaching CS2040C organize my notes according to their topic easily find the relevant content
v1.0 student in CS2040C be able to study CS2040C according to their topic linkages in Visualgo study the prerequisite topics for more advanced topics
v1.0 efficiency-obsessed student in CS2040C be able to find relevant topic notes easily study the relevant topics efficiently
v2.0 organized student in CS2040C be able to sort my notes according to level of importance identify which topics to study first when I am preparing for my exam
v2.0 student in CS2040C be able to list my notes in topological sort order study the prerequisite topics first before studying the more advanced topics
v2.0 CS2040C student with weekly programming assignments be able to save my .cpp files refer to them in the future
v2.0 student in CS2040C be able to extract out relevant files into a folder easily access them during revision

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Use Cases

(For all use cases below, the System refers to the CLIAlgo Notes Manager and the Actor is the user unless specified otherwise)

Use case: Delete a note


  1. User requests to list notes
  2. CLIAlgo shows the list of notes saved
  3. User requests to delete a specific note (based off the notes on the list)
  4. CLIAlgo deletes the note

Use case ends.


Use case ends.

Use case ends.

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Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Should work on any mainstream OS as long as it has Java 11 or above installed.
  2. Should be able to hold up to 1000 notes without a noticeable sluggishness in performance for typical usage.
  3. A user with above average typing speed for regular English text (i.e. not code, not system admin commands) should be able to accomplish most of the tasks faster using commands than using the mouse.
  4. Should be able to handle situations where data files are corrupted (i.e. missing or altered fields).
  5. Should be easily reusable for other developers who wish to create a similar app.
  6. Should be easily maintainable and modifiable, by having private attributes and methods which reduces dependencies between different parts of the program.
  7. Should be secure in terms of protecting sensitive data such as name and path of files and preventing unauthorised access to them.
  8. Should be able to execute user commands in no longer than 2 seconds.

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Instructions for manual testing

Below are guidelines for testers to test the application


  1. Download the jar file and copy into an empty folder.
  2. Right click in the folder where the jar file is located and open the command-line interface. Example: Open in Terminal
  3. Type: java -jar .\NAME_OF_JAR_FILE where NAME_OF_JAR_FILE is the file name of the jar file.
  4. The application would then open in the command-line interface.
  5. Note that if the application has initialised correctly, there would be a data folder created with some .txt files in the same directory as the jar file. There also would be an export folder created.

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  1. After all the testing is done, type in the command: exit.
    1. If done correctly this is what the tester will see:
      Thank you for using CLIAlgo! Study hard!
    2. The application would then close in the command-line interface.

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Adding a Note

  1. Type the command: add n/NOTE_NAME t/TOPIC_NAME or add n/CODE_NAME t/TOPIC_NAME.
    1. NOTE_NAME would represent the name of the note.
      1. The note file is in the form NOTE_NAME.txt.
      2. The note file has to exist in the same directory as the .jar file of this application else it’ll print an error message.
    2. CODE_NAME would represent the name of the code file.
      1. The code file is in the form CODE_NAME.cpp.
      2. The code file has to exist in the same directory as the .jar file of this application else it’ll print an error message.
    3. TOPIC_NAME would represent the Topic the note is tagged to.
      1. CASE 1 : The TOPIC_NAME is valid.

        Example :

        add n/name t/LINKED_LIST
      2. CASE 2 : The TOPIC_NAME is invalid.

        Example :

        add n/name t/linkedlist
        add n/name t/SOMETHING
  2. Leaving any fields blank would cause an error message to be printed.

    Example :

    add n/ t/
    add n/name t/
  3. Leaving out n/ or t/ would cause an error message to be printed.

    Example :

    add name LINKED_LIST
    add note LINKED_LIST
  4. Optional to add an importance tag to the CS2040CFile, which is a number from 1 to 10

    Example :

    add n/name t/LINKED_LIST i/5
  5. Adding an importance number not within the range of 1 to 10 would cause and error message to be printed.


    add n/name t/LINKED_LIST i/100

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Listing all CS2040CFile

  1. Type the command: list.
    1. CASE 1 : There are some CS2040CFile stored.
      1. The application would print out all the CS2040CFile stored.
      2. Note that CS2040CFile include both Notes and Codes.
    2. CASE 2 : There are no CS2040CFile stored.
      1. The application would print out a message indicating that no notes have been stored.

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Deleting a File

  1. Type the command: remove n/FILE_NAME.
    1. NAME would represent the name of the note or code stored.
    2. CASE 1 : The Note or Code with FILE_NAME exists.
      1. The Note or Code is deleted successfully and a message would be printed.
    3. CASE 2 : The Note or Code with FILE_NAME does not exist.
      1. The application would print out an error message indicating that the note does not exist.
  2. Leaving any fields blank would cause an error message to be printed.

    Example :

    remove n/
  3. Leaving out n/ or t/ would cause an error message to be printed.

    Example :

    remove name

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Filtering CS2040CFile

  1. Type the command: filter k/KEYWORD [t/TOPIC_NAME].
    1. KEYWORD would be topic representing filtering by Topic or importance representing filtering by the importance attribute tagged to each Note or Code added into the application.
    2. TOPIC_NAME would represent the Topic the note is tagged to or Importance level.
    3. TOPIC_NAME is an optional field
      1. CASE 1 : The TOPIC_NAME is valid.

        Example :

        filter k/topic t/LINKED_LIST
      2. CASE 2 : The TOPIC_NAME is invalid.

        Example :

        filter k/topic t/linkedlist
        filter k/topic t/SOMETHING
  2. Leaving k/ blank would cause an error message to be printed.

    Example :

    filter k/
  3. Leaving out t/ is valid

    Example :

    filter k/topic

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Exporting CS2040CFile

  1. After a command for filter or topo, the CS2040CFile that were listed would be stored in the Buffer.
  2. These CS2040CFile would be copied to the export folder and given that it is supported by the Operating System, the export folder would automatically be opened.
    1. If opening the folder is not supported, an invalid command error would be printed, but the CS2040CFile would still be copied into the export folder.
  3. The contents of the CS2040CFile copied would be identical to the CS2040CFile in the directory where the .jar file is located.
  4. If filter or topo is called again, the export folder would not be updated until export is called again.

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Saving data

  1. Notes and Codes are represented as : NAME&@PATH_TO_FILE&@TOPIC_NAME&@IMPORTANCE
  2. The application checks for invalid TOPIC_NAME only
  3. The application checks that there are at least three fields separated by &@
  4. Corrupted lines of files are ignored by the application and removed subsequently


    Initial .txt file:


    After running application:



Initial .txt file:



After running application:

  1. If any of the data files is/ are removed while the application is running, CLIAlgo would recreate the data files using the most recent data during the next add or remove operation.
  2. If a file stored in the data file does not exist in the directory, it is considered to be a corrupted entry.

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